November 29, 2023

Chairman Arrington Commends Bipartisan Discussion at Fiscal Commission Hearing

Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Ranking Member Brendan Boyle (D-PA), and Members of the House Budget Committee held a hearing to evaluate several legislative proposals to create a bipartisan fiscal commission, including H.R. 710, H.R. 5779, and S.3262. 

The hearing brought together bipartisan and bicameral legislators to examine these proposals and discuss the pressing need for a fiscal commission.

After the hearing, Chairman Arrington released the following statement: 

         “As Chairman of the House Budget Committee, I want to thank the Budget Members and our witnesses for their participation in this hearing. With our nation staring down nearly $34 trillion in debt, members across the aisle know that our spending is unsustainable, and we must change course. While a commission is not a fix-all, it can offer a productive, depoliticized forum for educating the public and identifying solutions regarding our deficit spending and long-term unfunded liabilities. As we continue to work toward developing the most productive parameters for a fiscal commission in the 118th Congress, the House Budget Committee will continue to platform productive, bipartisan conversations like the ones today’s hearing.”

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Click HERE to watch a full recap of the House Budget Committee’s hearing.